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Your Support Counts

"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Bank Account details:

Bank: BNZ

Account Name: Wakatipu Presbyterian Church

Account: 02-0948-0020110-000


As a local church, we aim to live in Christ, and to grow as a Community of Faith, Hope, Love, and Joy, all the while we seek to grow God’s kingdom one life at a time.

We can all play our part in this by prayer and by the giving of our time and talents. But we can also impact the vision by giving money. When more is given, more is possible.

Our giving should be proportionate to our resources. The Old Testament teaches the principle of tithing and this is a good starting point for New Testament generosity. Tithing simply means giving at least 10% of our income to the kingdom of God. â€‹


Tax Rebate

The Church is a registered Charity, which means that you can receive a tax rebate from the IRD. Contact the church office for a donation number so that we can give you a receipt at the end of each financial year.


How to give:

1. Set up an online payment from your bank account, this can be a one-off or an Automatic Payment that repeats as often as you choose. But please note a monthly contribution is easier for the church office to administer.  Remember to add your Donation Number and the reason for your donation, i.e. ‘monthly offering’

2. By cash in the Sunday offering

3. By Leaving a Bequest

A bequest can change many lives. You can make a real difference to the good work of your Church by making a Will and choosing to leave a bequest which will be a lasting symbol of your generosity. Past bequests have and are contributing to the development of ministry amongst children and teens, maintaining and developing church facilities, ensuring new opportunities for ministry and mission are taken.

Your bequest is a way of blessing your Church and the future generations who will follow you – would you like to leave a bequest to further the good work of your Church?

The place to start is by talking with your legal advisor to ensure your wishes are met appropriately. You might also like to discuss this with one of the Ministers to understand how a bequest will make a meaningful difference in the future life of the Church.


Jesus said: “For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21


Special Giving


We encourage giving for mission special projects. These are:

  1. Nepal Church Planters. We support two Church Planters in Nepal. Each receives $6307/year and this is raised from the generosity of Church members who commit to a regular extra monthly gift in support of this.    

  2. Hasta Memorial School. We continue to raise funds to ensure the successful operating and development of this school. Today our main focus is providing funds every quarter so that scholarships can be offered to students to study at the school. Read more detail here. 

  3. Nepal and Vanuatu general. Money raised strengthens our ability to support the work of the Aashish Presbyterian Church and the Apple of God’s Eyes in Nepal, and the Santo Bush Mission in Vanuatu.

  4. Children and Families Ministry Arrowtown: code "St Js FamMin"


Use the bank account above and be sure to include the reason for your gift in the references. It is also helpful to email – –  the church office with the reason for, and details of your gift when you first set this up. 


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